Welcome to Twing Documentation

This is the documentation for Twing, the TypeScript and JavaScript Twig compiler.


In this documentation, the Twig term represents the Twig language specifications, not the SensioLabs PHP implementation of the language - implementation being known as TwigPHP. SensioLabs use Twig to talk about both the specifications of the language and their own implementation, and their documentation mixes both specifications and PHP implementation details. This should be considered as an oversight instead of an official convention.

Please refer to the Implementation details page for more information on that matter.


  • Node.js: Twing needs at least node.js 16.0.0 to run.
  • Browser: Twing should run without any issue on every modern browser.


The recommended way to install Twing is via npm:

npm i twing --save


This section gives you a brief introduction to the TypeScript and JavaScript API of Twing.


import {createEnvironment, createArrayLoader} from "twing";

const loader = createArrayLoader({
    'index.twig': 'Everybody loves {{ name }}!'
const environment = createEnvironment(loader);

environment.render('index.twig', {name: 'Twing'}).then((output) => {
    // output contains "Everybody loves Twing!"

Twing uses a loader (TwingLoaderArray) to locate templates, and an environment (TwingEnvironment) to store the configuration.

The render() method loads the template passed as first argument and renders it with the context passed as second argument.

As templates are generally stored on the filesystem, Twing also comes with a filesystem loader:

import {createEnvironment, createFilesystemLoader} from "twing";
import * as fs from "fs";

const loader = createFilesystemLoader(fs);
const environment = createEnvironment(loader);

environment.render('index.twig', {name: 'Twing'}).then((output) => {
      // ...

Note the filesystem implementation (fs) passed as argument to createFilesystemLoader. In environments where fs is not available, it is perfectly possible to pass another filesystem implementation, as long as it implements the expected interface. Please refer to the API documentation of createFilesystemLoader for more information.


Use jsdelivr CDN to include Twing in your HTML document:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/twing/dist/lib.min.js"></script>

Once loaded by the browser, Twing is available under the global Twing variable.

const {createEnvironment, createArrayLoader} = Twing;

const loader = createArrayLoader({
    'index.twig': 'Everybody loves {{ name }}!'
const environment = createEnvironment(loader);

environment.render('index.twig', {name: 'Twing'}).then((output) => {
    // output contains "Everybody loves Twing!"

Real-world example using Express

Credit for this example goes to stela5.

  1. Create working directory and initialize dependencies:

      mkdir myapp myapp/templates && cd myapp
      npm init -y
      npm install --save express twing
  2. Create server.js:

      const app = require('express')();
      const port = process.env.NODE_PORT || 3000;
      const {TwingEnvironment, TwingLoaderFilesystem} = require('twing');
      let loader = createFilesystemLoader('./templates', fs);
      let environment = createEnvironment(loader);
      app.get('/', function (req, res) {
        environment.render('index.twig', {'name': 'World'}).then((output) => {
      app.get('/name/:name', function (req, res) {      
        environment.render('index.twig', req.params).then((output) => {
      app.listen(port, () => {
        console.log('Node.js Express server listening on port '+port);
  3. Start server:

      node server.js